I went out after work yesterday with a couple of friends. It was nice to end the work week with a few drinks and some relaxing conversation. We went to a local tavern called Milly's that brews their own beer and every month they have a new beer or ale on tap that they promote. Last nights feature beer was called Fisher Cat Ale. It was pretty good, light bodied and non filling. It's usually a happening place to be but yesterday it was pretty quiet during Happy Hour. We had a few drafts and some sweet potato fries (which are so so delicious). The bands vary from week to week and last night's entertainment was mostly punk and alternative rock. They had 4 or 5 bands lined up to play 45 minute sets but we decided to leave as the first band was setting up. I just wasn't in the mood for brain splitting music last night.
When I got home all I wanted to do was hit the shower and watch a movie. I checked my email and heard from a friend I haven't talked to in awhile. I saw he was on Yahoo so I dropped a line. I absently told him he should come over since we were both bored and he should bring beer. Within the hour he was at my front door with beer! We watched the rest of the baseball game while we caught up. He left around 1 am. It was really good to see him again and it turned out to be a fun evening.
Sara started moving some of her things out today. She and 2 of her friends rented a 3 bedroom apartment a few miles away from where she went to college. I will see her place tomorrow. I am a little sad that my baby is leaving the nest. She's 22 and plenty mature enough to be on her own, I have no doubt she will be fine. Even though she hasn't been here much the last 4 years and I should be used to her not being around, I guess it finally hit me today watching as she loaded up her car. It's an exciting time for her and I don't want to rain on her parade so I will keep my emotions to myself. It was hard to keep from crying though when she drove off with her room in her car. :-(
I am a little ticked off this evening because once again I was 'stood up' by my friend Diane. A few weeks ago we were supposed to get together and had to cancel because she had had outpatient surgery and wasn't up to a visit. We decided to get together this evening but she called yesterday and had another excuse as to why we would have to postpone our plans. She is one of those people who says "call me" and "we need to get together" but obviously has no intention of following through. This has happened several times over the years and is the main reason why we haven't seen each other much. Outpatient surgery is legit...but not all of her excuses have been. I have recently put a lot of effort into getting rid of the scum and users who have let me down throughout the years. It's part of my 'dead' weight loss program. Looks like I might have to add another to my list.
On a positive note...I did manage to finally find a new comforter set for my bedroom. I've been looking for several weeks now and although it is not 100% what I was looking for, I got a great deal as it is a clearance item. The complete bed in a bag for a queen size bed for only $40. That's with the sheets, pillow shams, comforter and bed skirt. Can't beat that! I scanned the pic from the photo on the bag. I'll get the bed all made up tomorrow.

I have the upcoming week off from work but I don't have a lot of things planned. I will probably spend some of the time reorganizing my house once the tornado known as Sara blows through. My brother is having a family BBQ on the 4th so I am looking forward to that. Mostly I want to sleep past 4 am and get some sun in the afternoons. I am sure the week will fly by.