George and I had dinner with my family this year. My kids were there along with my brothers, my neice and my nephew, and my parents, of course. We had a traditional Thanksgiving meal and we played cards before and after dinner, like we usually do. It was a really nice day.
Before we arrived at my parents house, George and I went to visit his brother Ray and his family. I got to meet George's nephew Keith, who is 21 and a whole lot of fun. He is a radiology student and also works at the local grocery store. I think he and I are going to get along just fine.
Last Monday my neice Crystal had a baby girl. She was 6 days early but the baby weighed in at 8 lbs. 4 oz. and she is 21 inches long so I would say she was more than ready to make her debut. She is a perfect little girl, so pretty and just precious. She slept the entire time she was there. Crystal had a very easy delivery which is unusual for a 1st baby. Momma and baby are doing just fine.
Things have been very busy at work but I am not complaining. With Christmas around the corner, I can use the extra money overtime brings. I want to cut back a bit on Christmas gifts this year so we are going to do a Yankee Swap with George's family and a Secret Santa with mine. We drew names for the Secret Santa after dinner on Thanksgiving and I think I am going to have a little trouble finding the right gift for the person I chose. But I have my thinking cap on and hopefully I can come up with something soon.
Sara and Brad are all settled into their new apartment. I am hoping to get down there next weekend to see their new digs. Eric and Jessie are not quite as happy with their situation but they are making the best of it. They were supposed to move into Jessie's parents house and live there rent free while Jessie's parents were living in Florida (that's where they worked). They were only planning to come home a weekend every other month or so to visit, pay bills and generally check on the house. But as soon as Eric and Jessie gave up their apartment and started moving in, Jessie's parents both got laid off from their jobs and are now up here in New Hampshire, hanging around the house 24/7 while they wait for another contract. It could be a matter or a week or several months before they get work and having them around all the time in what was supposed to be Eric and Jessie's 'house' is taking it's toll. They have zero privacy and are now thinking that living there rent free isn't such a good trade off. Besides, the parents are really pushing now for them to get married and neither one of them is in any way ready for that. Jessie is also concerned that if they don't conform to what her parents want, they will also pull the tuition money that they have offered for Jessie to continue with college. Of course that might happen anyway if they can't find work soon, but I can certainly understand where she is coming from. I have left the offer of them renting my house on the table for now. But after the holidays, if they haven't decided, then I am going to put my house on the market for sale.
Other than that, things are rosey. Hunter and I have settled into our new home quite well and we're both very happy.
I've added a few pictures taken at Thanksgiving.
Have a wonderful weekend!
My nephew Sean holding his new neice
My brother Dave, Jessie and Eric
Crystal and Kendall
Sara holding Kendall