It's time for a new post, even though there isn't a whole lot to write about.
Spring has sprung here in New Hampshire. Last weekend George raked up the front yard and it is starting to look pretty good out there. There is a little greenery sprouting there thanks to the torrential rains we had Tuesday and Wednesday. I've thought up a project for my husband, too. The back deck is rather boring so I am going to have him build some flower boxes and mount them to the deck rail so I can plant some pretty flowers and dress it up a bit. I've also got a few ideas for the front of the house but since I have only been living here 6 months, I am not sure what may be planted out there.
It's very sunny and about 60 degrees here today but tomorrow promises to be a lot warmer. I am certainly ready for that. The past winter was a long one and even though I am not a huge fan of humid weather, I do enjoy the warm sun. I hope to be able to get outside and enjoy the sun this weekend.
I had the day off today and I had to take Hunter to the Vet for another blood test. Last month his red blood count level was low so we needed to get a recheck. I just called the office and the results were good...his levels are back at a normal level and he is perfectly fine. Just makes me shake my head because I can't help thinking it is just a plot to get more money out of me. I know I am being ridiculous and we don't always 'see' if something is wrong, especially with our animals, but it's always something, isn't it? Don't mind me...I'm just a skeptic by nature. But I had a feeling there was nothing wrong with him.
Hunter wasn't very co-operative this morning, either. He would not sit still and it took 2 adults to hold him down so the doctor could draw the blood. (He is only 13 lbs.) As it was, he managed to wiggle free before Dr. Ware was ready and that caused him to bleed a bit more than normal since we had to wrestle him down again to apply pressure to the area. He finally calmed down enough for me to clean him up. All that red blood in his white fur was a bit scary looking.
Once I got him back at home, he was fine and went right to his hiding spot in the spare bedroom and took a long nap. He is now out on the back deck soaking up the sunshine. I've got a load of laundry to fold and then I am going to join him.
Not too much going on around here. Everyone is healthy and happy. We haven't seen much of Patrick since we stopped Renee from sleeping here. In fact, he hasn't slept here one night since that night but he comes home from time to time to do his laundry and take a shower. Tonight we are meeting him for dinner in a couple of hours.
Jon and Nikki are home from their honeymoon but we've only talked to them once since they got back. The only one of George's kids who calls and stops by is Nicole and we hear from her a couple times a week. She dropped some books off for me on Wednesday and tomorrow we are going to take the grandkids for a few hours so she and Matt can go out with some friends.
My kids are both doing ok. Eric is still unemployed but he keeps looking. Sara is doing just fine.
I am heading out to get that laundry dealt with and catch some sun before George gets home from work. Hope everyone is having a good day. Get outside this weekend if you can and enjoy the fresh air!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
A Mid Week Post
I think Spring is finally here in the northern part of the country. I say this because even with prescription allergy medication, I am still suffering from hay fever/allergies. I can be driving along in my car perfectly fine then all of a sudden, the nose starts itching and my eyes will water. I often look like I've received some really bad news and can't stop crying. Yesterday was one of those days where I would be reduced to 'tears' in a flash. This morning, my eyes are a bit red and sore but so far, no waterworks. Of course, it is early and the allergens that cause me such problems are probably still asleep.
I have noticed that Hunter has been shedding his winter coat as well. He doesn't shed much but I've been finding a lot more white doggie hairs all over my clothes and the sofa. I wish I could just take the vaccuum cleaner hose to him but he isn't real fond of the vaccuum cleaner. The good thing is the shedding only lasts a week or two and usually a good bath will help so I think the ole poochie will be seeing the tub real soon.
All of the snow in our back yard is finally gone. I noticed that last Wednesday when I was out on the deck, the last stubborn patch was down to about the size of a snowball. Yesterday the Fish and Game announced the "Ice Out" on Lake Winni too...which is cause for celebration up here. Simply put, it means the entire lake is now free of any ice and the Mt. Washington boat can make it's way all around the lake with no issues. Let the Summer begin!
It's been a busy couple of weeks for my family with the wedding and all of those festivities, Easter and a few more birthdays to finish off the month. On Sunday, my parents celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary. Monday is Mom's 79th birthday and Tuesday is Sara's 24th birthday. I think that should do it until May when we start all over again.
On an interesting side note, next month George's cousin will be ordained a Bishop in the Catholic Church. We got the news yesterday that he will have his ordination ceremony in Quebec City. If we can get tickets to the event, we will go. It's very exciting! I suppose I had better clean up my mouth so I don't embarrass anyone. LOL
That's about it for now. I really should be getting back to work.
Have a wonderful day!
I have noticed that Hunter has been shedding his winter coat as well. He doesn't shed much but I've been finding a lot more white doggie hairs all over my clothes and the sofa. I wish I could just take the vaccuum cleaner hose to him but he isn't real fond of the vaccuum cleaner. The good thing is the shedding only lasts a week or two and usually a good bath will help so I think the ole poochie will be seeing the tub real soon.
All of the snow in our back yard is finally gone. I noticed that last Wednesday when I was out on the deck, the last stubborn patch was down to about the size of a snowball. Yesterday the Fish and Game announced the "Ice Out" on Lake Winni too...which is cause for celebration up here. Simply put, it means the entire lake is now free of any ice and the Mt. Washington boat can make it's way all around the lake with no issues. Let the Summer begin!
It's been a busy couple of weeks for my family with the wedding and all of those festivities, Easter and a few more birthdays to finish off the month. On Sunday, my parents celebrate their 57th wedding anniversary. Monday is Mom's 79th birthday and Tuesday is Sara's 24th birthday. I think that should do it until May when we start all over again.
On an interesting side note, next month George's cousin will be ordained a Bishop in the Catholic Church. We got the news yesterday that he will have his ordination ceremony in Quebec City. If we can get tickets to the event, we will go. It's very exciting! I suppose I had better clean up my mouth so I don't embarrass anyone. LOL
That's about it for now. I really should be getting back to work.
Have a wonderful day!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Wedding Pics!
I finally got around to uploading and editing pics from the wedding last weekend. These are mostly pics from my camera taken by me so there was only one picture of me on here but I know others were taken so as soon as I get ahold of them, I will post them. As long as they aren't horrible, that is.
The wedding went off without a hitch although it was a rainy day. Rain is supposed to mean good luck so we will go along with that. The bride was lovely, the groom handsome and everyone seemed to have a good time. Jon made the mistake of the day when reciting his vows, he said, "I, Nikki take you Jon", then corrected himself and everyone had a great chuckle out of that. He is a bit of a pefectionist so it was quite humbling for him. At least he had the correct names, could have been worse if he said someone else's name entirely.
I sat with my kids and George's brother Ray, his wife Diane and my new nephews, Kris and Keith. Kris's girlfriend Elie also sat with us. We all had a wonderful time together.
Jessie caught the bridal bouquet which is nice since she will probably be the next bride but for some reason the pics I took didn't come out very clearly.
The food was delicious and it was a very nice evening. There were a couple of disappointing moments which I will blog about at another time. I'm still sorting out my feelings about them right now. But all in all...the wedding was beautiful.
So here are some pics of the evening. I am glad it's all over.
In The Limo

Alex and Aaron

Cutest Flower Girl and Ring Bearer ever

Nicole and George

Pat and Jon

Matt and Nicole

The Bride and Groom

Grampy dancing with the Flower Girl

Eric and Me

Sara and Jessie


The Ferland Men
Pat, George, Jon, Kris, Ray and Keith
The wedding went off without a hitch although it was a rainy day. Rain is supposed to mean good luck so we will go along with that. The bride was lovely, the groom handsome and everyone seemed to have a good time. Jon made the mistake of the day when reciting his vows, he said, "I, Nikki take you Jon", then corrected himself and everyone had a great chuckle out of that. He is a bit of a pefectionist so it was quite humbling for him. At least he had the correct names, could have been worse if he said someone else's name entirely.
I sat with my kids and George's brother Ray, his wife Diane and my new nephews, Kris and Keith. Kris's girlfriend Elie also sat with us. We all had a wonderful time together.
Jessie caught the bridal bouquet which is nice since she will probably be the next bride but for some reason the pics I took didn't come out very clearly.
The food was delicious and it was a very nice evening. There were a couple of disappointing moments which I will blog about at another time. I'm still sorting out my feelings about them right now. But all in all...the wedding was beautiful.
So here are some pics of the evening. I am glad it's all over.
In The Limo
Alex and Aaron
Cutest Flower Girl and Ring Bearer ever
Nicole and George

Pat and Jon

Matt and Nicole

The Bride and Groom
Grampy dancing with the Flower Girl
Eric and Me

Sara and Jessie
The Ferland Men
Pat, George, Jon, Kris, Ray and Keith
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