I certainly hope I fare better in the new year than I have in the last 5 days. I've had the week off and I guess it's a good thing since had I been working this week, I would have missed several days. Things started to go downhill the day after Christmas when I started with cold symptoms. Achy, stuffy nose, sore throat...you know the drill. Sunday I wasn't much better so I stayed home and tried to stay warm and away from people. Monday was not a good day. I ran a low grade fever off and on all day, slept all afternoon wrapped up in my blankie in my bed, coughing and blowing my nose in between sleep. I've been through a small bottle of NyQuil and several daytime cold meds.
Yesterday I started feeling better so I was sitting on the edge of my bed getting ready to take a shower. I don't know what I did, but I pulled something in my lower back. It took me awhile to be able to stand up and not so well I might add. I did manage a shower and since then I have started an intimate relationship with the heating pad. I don't go anywhere without it! I slept (badly) with it under my back last night and am now sitting in my favorite chair with it pressed right up against me. I've got my tea, my tissues and my phone at arms length and it looks like the only time I will get up is if I need to tinkle. George has gone out to run some errands before the snow starts so I have a little bit of peace. I love the man dearly and don't get me wrong, I appreciate EVERYTHING he does for me (and lately it's been a lot), but he hovers like a Jewish mother. I try not to complain because he has been doing all of the cooking and cleaning this week and I am blessed to have someone who will take care of me without complaint no matter what I need. I just need him to wait for me to ask for help. Sometimes it drives me nuts when he tries to anticipate my needs and that brings out my tendency to be stubborn. In the end I have to admit that he reads me quite well. But I am grateful for an hour or so of non hovering.
I also hear I have a new car in my drivewway. We had been thinking about trading George's car and his son Jon, who is a service technician at the Hyundai dealership, told us that they were having some great deals at the dealership and the manager was trying to unload a lot of cars before years end. So George went down there yesterday and scored himself a sweet deal. He got a leftover 2009 loaded Hyundai Elantra (Black) in our price range. He also got a great amount for his trade in and 2 season passes to a nearby ski area. OK we don't ski but I am sure we can find someone who will use them. I haven't seen the new car because I haven't been able to go downstairs to the driveway yet. I will be sure to check it out from the spare bedroom window when George gets home. Hopefully my back will allow me to go downstairs tomorrow. Maybe I can grab a photo and post it too.
It is now snowing pretty steadily out there. I think we are only expecting a couple of inches today but the storm is supposed to stall out in the Gulf of Maine and then turn back and drop more snow tomorrow. So far we have had a lot of small storms but the snow has stuck since it has been really cold in between.
We have nothing big planned for New Year's Eve. The only thing we are definitely doing is getting some chinese food later on and possbly watching a movie. I doubt I can stay awake til midnight but I will give it a shot.
We'll play it by ear as to whether or not we will go to my parents on New Year's Day. We'll see how I feel and how much snow we end up getting.
I am not one for resolutions, but I do want to do my best to be the best I can be for everyone who depends on me. 2010 will be a good year. We've got a wedding to attend which means I will have a new daughter in law by summers end. I don't know what else the year will bring but I hope it will be happy, peaceful and a healthy one for everyone.
Happy 2010 everyone!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas 2009 is in the Books
It is now a couple days after Christmas and all I can say is...PHEW! I am so glad it's all over with for another year. Next year I plan on doing so much more shopping well before the last few days of December. Don't get me wrong, the hustle and bustle does get everyone in the spirit of things I believe, but I want to be able to not have to squeeze everything in at the last minute. Thank goodness for George, because he did a lot of running for me and split up some of the chores. I never did get all of the baking in that I wanted to but I guess no one missed the cookies and some of the other treats. The major things got done and done well, I might add. :-)
I think everyone was pleased with their gifts. I got a couple thumbs up from Eric and Sara loved the pink sweater I got her except it was too small. That was the only thing that needed to be exchanged and George did that for me today. He couldn't get sweater in pink but he picked a pretty blue one instead and I think she will be happy with it.
George and I got a lot of gift cards to several restaurants, I got a gift card to Kohl's, a book, and we got several things for the house. We got a couple of very pretty gift baskets too. Jessie knows me very well and picked out several things that she knows I like. Candles, cashews, kitchen towels, Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, dark chocolate and teas and hot cocoas. The topper was an autographed picture of Chris Carpenter who pitches for the St. Louis Cardinals. He is a local boy who grew up in Raymond, NH and I've been following his career since he made it to the big leagues. He is also Jessie's cousin, which was a nice surprise. The picture made my day.
George got a lot of clothes which he needed badly and several dvd's, a gift card to the sporting goods store and some books. He and I agreed that we weren't going to buy a lot for each other because we want to redecorate the living room and get a new sofa so that will be our Christmas gift to each other.
We spent Christmas Eve with George's kids at Nicole's house. It was fun watching the grandkids open their gifts and I had a ball watching Matt, Jon and Patrick get drunk. Matt was probably the worst of the three and he pretty much bent my ear all evening but it was fine and it took my mind off of George's ex wife being there. By the way, she is probably the rudest person I have ever met and her son Patrick is following right in her footsteps. I am not the least bit surprised, but I can now completely understand the lack of warmth that comes from him. Anyway...I made the best of the evening and managed to have a few laughs anyway. (I am supposed to be at a hockey game right now with George to meet Patrick's girlfriends parents, etc, but I didn't want to go so I didn't. I am sure I won't be missed anyway.)
Christmas morning we went to George's brothers house for coffee and donuts. I was surprised to see Jon and Nikki show up with Patrick and Renee but we were happy they showed up. Ray and Diane don't see enough of them, that's for sure. We stayed a couple of hours and then went to my parents house for the rest of the day. It was really fun. My kids were there, my nephews, and my neice came with her new husband and little Kendal. We had a blast and never left until 9:30. It was a long day for sure. We had a pot luck supper and opened gifts, played cards, the usual fun at the homestead. Oh one gift I got that was pretty cool was a puzzle of my home town. It's done up like a map with the streets marked off and the highways, rivers, and even the high schools mapped out. The center piece of the puzzle is shaped like a house and it is located right where I lived. it's pretty cool and I've got it started out om my puzzle board right now. There is no picture to go by like with other puzzles so it is a good thing I know where the streets are located otherwise I would have a heck of a time with it. I'll grab a pic of it when it's finished and post it.
So here are a few pics from Christmas Eve
Jon Pat and Alex playing with the race track

Jon playing the drum

Pat and Nikki

Matt taking his turn with the drum

Nicole in her penguin shirt (picked out by Alex)

Alex with his big truck

Callissa's new doll

The little ones got Leapsters

And Christmas Day
Sara says Cheers!

How many men does it take to put a ham on a platter?

Great Grandpa and his pride and joy


Kelly, Crystal and Kendal (with my brother Dave's head snuck in there)

My Dad playing with Kendal

Brad, Sara, Eric and Jessie

Group shot

I have one more mini celebration planned for this week with my best friend Rose and her husband Steve. They are coming for supper one night this week. Not sure what I will make, maybe mac and cheese or lasagna...whatever it is we will eat and have a few drinks and exchange some gifts. I am looking forward to that and then the celebrating is done. We usually spend a quiet New Year's Eve at home with take out and a couple of movies or maybe watch whatever marathon is on tv that night. New Year's Day we will go to my parents for Chinese food. It will be a small group this year because both of my kids have other plans and will not be coming. That makes me sad but it's ok. They are all grown up now and have lives of their own, which is a good thing!
I hope I haven't bored you with this rambling. But I hope you like the pics!
I also hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.
Happy New Year to everyone! May 2010 be a great year for us all!
I think everyone was pleased with their gifts. I got a couple thumbs up from Eric and Sara loved the pink sweater I got her except it was too small. That was the only thing that needed to be exchanged and George did that for me today. He couldn't get sweater in pink but he picked a pretty blue one instead and I think she will be happy with it.
George and I got a lot of gift cards to several restaurants, I got a gift card to Kohl's, a book, and we got several things for the house. We got a couple of very pretty gift baskets too. Jessie knows me very well and picked out several things that she knows I like. Candles, cashews, kitchen towels, Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, dark chocolate and teas and hot cocoas. The topper was an autographed picture of Chris Carpenter who pitches for the St. Louis Cardinals. He is a local boy who grew up in Raymond, NH and I've been following his career since he made it to the big leagues. He is also Jessie's cousin, which was a nice surprise. The picture made my day.
George got a lot of clothes which he needed badly and several dvd's, a gift card to the sporting goods store and some books. He and I agreed that we weren't going to buy a lot for each other because we want to redecorate the living room and get a new sofa so that will be our Christmas gift to each other.
We spent Christmas Eve with George's kids at Nicole's house. It was fun watching the grandkids open their gifts and I had a ball watching Matt, Jon and Patrick get drunk. Matt was probably the worst of the three and he pretty much bent my ear all evening but it was fine and it took my mind off of George's ex wife being there. By the way, she is probably the rudest person I have ever met and her son Patrick is following right in her footsteps. I am not the least bit surprised, but I can now completely understand the lack of warmth that comes from him. Anyway...I made the best of the evening and managed to have a few laughs anyway. (I am supposed to be at a hockey game right now with George to meet Patrick's girlfriends parents, etc, but I didn't want to go so I didn't. I am sure I won't be missed anyway.)
Christmas morning we went to George's brothers house for coffee and donuts. I was surprised to see Jon and Nikki show up with Patrick and Renee but we were happy they showed up. Ray and Diane don't see enough of them, that's for sure. We stayed a couple of hours and then went to my parents house for the rest of the day. It was really fun. My kids were there, my nephews, and my neice came with her new husband and little Kendal. We had a blast and never left until 9:30. It was a long day for sure. We had a pot luck supper and opened gifts, played cards, the usual fun at the homestead. Oh one gift I got that was pretty cool was a puzzle of my home town. It's done up like a map with the streets marked off and the highways, rivers, and even the high schools mapped out. The center piece of the puzzle is shaped like a house and it is located right where I lived. it's pretty cool and I've got it started out om my puzzle board right now. There is no picture to go by like with other puzzles so it is a good thing I know where the streets are located otherwise I would have a heck of a time with it. I'll grab a pic of it when it's finished and post it.
So here are a few pics from Christmas Eve
Jon Pat and Alex playing with the race track
Jon playing the drum
Pat and Nikki
Matt taking his turn with the drum
Nicole in her penguin shirt (picked out by Alex)
Alex with his big truck
Callissa's new doll
The little ones got Leapsters
And Christmas Day
Sara says Cheers!
How many men does it take to put a ham on a platter?
Great Grandpa and his pride and joy
Kelly, Crystal and Kendal (with my brother Dave's head snuck in there)
My Dad playing with Kendal
Brad, Sara, Eric and Jessie
Group shot
I have one more mini celebration planned for this week with my best friend Rose and her husband Steve. They are coming for supper one night this week. Not sure what I will make, maybe mac and cheese or lasagna...whatever it is we will eat and have a few drinks and exchange some gifts. I am looking forward to that and then the celebrating is done. We usually spend a quiet New Year's Eve at home with take out and a couple of movies or maybe watch whatever marathon is on tv that night. New Year's Day we will go to my parents for Chinese food. It will be a small group this year because both of my kids have other plans and will not be coming. That makes me sad but it's ok. They are all grown up now and have lives of their own, which is a good thing!
I hope I haven't bored you with this rambling. But I hope you like the pics!
I also hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.
Happy New Year to everyone! May 2010 be a great year for us all!
Friday, December 18, 2009
One Week Before Christmas!
Season's Greetings to one and all! It's been rather busy for me the last few weeks and I guess we have one more week to go before all the madness is over but I really look forward to this time of year. I am not a shopper, kind of hate it actually, but I do enjoy the baking, cooking, wrapping, decorating and how happy and joyous most people are this time of year. Last weekend I managed to get most of my shopping done, (can you say procrastinator?) and I will get the rest done tomorrow. I may have something last minute to pick up Christmas Eve...but that's the way it is with me. No matter how much time I have, I am always in a store even if it is for lottery tickets, on Christmas Eve. Never fails.
This week will be a nice short week at work and it should be an easy week too. We shipped the last of our monthly orders yesterday so we can relax a little bit before Christmas. On Wednesday our department is having a Christmas pot luck lunch. I will be making lasagna for that. Last Wednesday we had our company wide meeting with the President of the company and we got a really nice bonus along with a thermal vest and a calendar from the President and his wife. They are always pretty good to their employees and I am proud to work there. It's by far the best place I have ever worked and I hope to be there for many years to come. I can't believe I've been there 7 years already.
Tonight is the Company Christmas Party and this year it is being held at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester. This will be the first time I go. I always wanted to go but never had a date and although I was always encouraged to tag along with my co workers who did go, they usually had a spouse or significant other with them and I never wanted to feel like a third wheel. But this year I can drag my sweet husband along for the ride and I am sure we will have a great time. We had to choose between prime rib and chicken for dinner so I picked chicken and George of course picked the beef. It should be a nice fancy evening.
On Christmas Eve we are going to my step daughter's house to celebrate with all three of George's kids and their spouses, his and grandkids. I am looking forward to seeing the grandkids open their gifts. I hope they like what we picked for them. Last year I was dumbfounded to see the amount of presents George's ex wife brought for the grandkids. We don't go crazy like Donna does. I try to select things that they will appreciate. I don't know if she is trying to buy their love or show off, but she kind of goes way overboard. I know, it is weird to spend Christmas Eve with your ex spouse, but it is something we do to pacify George's son Jon. He takes the holiday very seriously and he is very much into tradition. This is the second year we have done this and I frankly, am not a huge fan of spending Christmas with Donna and her husband, but I am hoping that Jon will eventually realize how awkward it is. I am sure it isn't a piece of cake for her either but last year we went along with it because Jon's wish was to be able to spend at least a few hours with his whole family and their new 'loves' together at Christmas time. He went to a lot of trouble planning the evening (last year we went to his house) and it was alright. George is a clssy guy and would never show his feelings for his ex and her new husband around his kids but we both agree, we could think of a dozen things we would rather be doing on Christmas Eve than spending it with her and Peter. No matter what, we will get through it with a lot of rum and eggnog. LOL
Christmas Day we are going to visit George's brother and his family and then go to my parents house for Christmas with them. My kids will be there along with my brothers and my nephews. I hope my niece will make it with her new husband and her baby. I haven't seen them since summer and they are back in New Hampshire now that her husband is out of the Army. I got little Kendal a ride on toy that plays nursery rhymes so hopefully she will get a kick out of that.
I have the week after Christmas off from work so it will be nice to have a little down time to relax and recover. We don't go out on New Year's Eve but New Year's Day we always have a chinese food fest at my parents house to ring in the new year. That's always a lot of fun, eating and playing cards and just spending the afternoon together.
Last week I met with an orthopeadic surgeon to see what can be done with my increasing joint pain. After an x-ray and a long consult, it has been decided that I should have a total hip replacement on my right hip. I've been struggling with pain pretty much 24/7 for quite some time now and it is only going to get worse. I have osteoarthritis in my right hip and also a little bit in my lower back and it has been getting worse over the last year or so. My hip joint is just about fused with nothing between the ball and the hip to cushion it and pain meds will only mask the issue so it's time to take some action. We haven't set an exact date yet but we are looking at mid to late February for surgery. I am actually excited to finally get it done. I am sure I will feel immediate results, although it will be a couple months of rehabilitation and recovery. I will keep you posted on how things progress and ask for your prayers that I get through this with no complications. My son is getting married in August and I want to be able to dance at his wedding.
I should get moving here and finish the laundry that I started hours ago. I did take a break and did some banking and picked up medicine at the pharmacy but it is time to get cracking.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. Happy Holidays to you all!
This week will be a nice short week at work and it should be an easy week too. We shipped the last of our monthly orders yesterday so we can relax a little bit before Christmas. On Wednesday our department is having a Christmas pot luck lunch. I will be making lasagna for that. Last Wednesday we had our company wide meeting with the President of the company and we got a really nice bonus along with a thermal vest and a calendar from the President and his wife. They are always pretty good to their employees and I am proud to work there. It's by far the best place I have ever worked and I hope to be there for many years to come. I can't believe I've been there 7 years already.
Tonight is the Company Christmas Party and this year it is being held at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester. This will be the first time I go. I always wanted to go but never had a date and although I was always encouraged to tag along with my co workers who did go, they usually had a spouse or significant other with them and I never wanted to feel like a third wheel. But this year I can drag my sweet husband along for the ride and I am sure we will have a great time. We had to choose between prime rib and chicken for dinner so I picked chicken and George of course picked the beef. It should be a nice fancy evening.
On Christmas Eve we are going to my step daughter's house to celebrate with all three of George's kids and their spouses, his and grandkids. I am looking forward to seeing the grandkids open their gifts. I hope they like what we picked for them. Last year I was dumbfounded to see the amount of presents George's ex wife brought for the grandkids. We don't go crazy like Donna does. I try to select things that they will appreciate. I don't know if she is trying to buy their love or show off, but she kind of goes way overboard. I know, it is weird to spend Christmas Eve with your ex spouse, but it is something we do to pacify George's son Jon. He takes the holiday very seriously and he is very much into tradition. This is the second year we have done this and I frankly, am not a huge fan of spending Christmas with Donna and her husband, but I am hoping that Jon will eventually realize how awkward it is. I am sure it isn't a piece of cake for her either but last year we went along with it because Jon's wish was to be able to spend at least a few hours with his whole family and their new 'loves' together at Christmas time. He went to a lot of trouble planning the evening (last year we went to his house) and it was alright. George is a clssy guy and would never show his feelings for his ex and her new husband around his kids but we both agree, we could think of a dozen things we would rather be doing on Christmas Eve than spending it with her and Peter. No matter what, we will get through it with a lot of rum and eggnog. LOL
Christmas Day we are going to visit George's brother and his family and then go to my parents house for Christmas with them. My kids will be there along with my brothers and my nephews. I hope my niece will make it with her new husband and her baby. I haven't seen them since summer and they are back in New Hampshire now that her husband is out of the Army. I got little Kendal a ride on toy that plays nursery rhymes so hopefully she will get a kick out of that.
I have the week after Christmas off from work so it will be nice to have a little down time to relax and recover. We don't go out on New Year's Eve but New Year's Day we always have a chinese food fest at my parents house to ring in the new year. That's always a lot of fun, eating and playing cards and just spending the afternoon together.
Last week I met with an orthopeadic surgeon to see what can be done with my increasing joint pain. After an x-ray and a long consult, it has been decided that I should have a total hip replacement on my right hip. I've been struggling with pain pretty much 24/7 for quite some time now and it is only going to get worse. I have osteoarthritis in my right hip and also a little bit in my lower back and it has been getting worse over the last year or so. My hip joint is just about fused with nothing between the ball and the hip to cushion it and pain meds will only mask the issue so it's time to take some action. We haven't set an exact date yet but we are looking at mid to late February for surgery. I am actually excited to finally get it done. I am sure I will feel immediate results, although it will be a couple months of rehabilitation and recovery. I will keep you posted on how things progress and ask for your prayers that I get through this with no complications. My son is getting married in August and I want to be able to dance at his wedding.
I should get moving here and finish the laundry that I started hours ago. I did take a break and did some banking and picked up medicine at the pharmacy but it is time to get cracking.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas. Happy Holidays to you all!
Friday, December 04, 2009
Winter Will Arrive Tomorrow
Our quiet and warm weather will soon be coming to an end. Tomorrow we are expecting the first measureable snowfall of the winter. Right now the forecasters are calling for 3-5 inches for our area but have warned that those totals could be adjusted in the next 12 hours or so. It's fine with me, it is the weekend and except for grocery shopping in the morning, we have no plans.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving last weekend. We spent the day with at my parents house with my kids, my brothers, and my nephews. We also got word that my neice and her family are returning to New Hampshire and should be here today sometime. I am very excited to see them, to meet Crystal's new husband, Kelly, and to see my grand neice Kendal who recently turned a year old! It's hard to believe she is already walking.
Last Saturday we had to make the 4.5 hour trip to Canada to go to a Memorial sevice for George's uncle Leonid. He had been a missionary in Peru for about 40 years and wanted to live out his life there. He has been buried in Peru and it was nice to have a service up there for him. George's family is so accomodating and they are all very nice. It was good to see them all again even under those circumstances.
I went out Christmas shopping a bit today and picked up a few things. I also am going to do a little online shopping this afternoon, so I should be in good shape. George and I will be able to finish up next week I think.
I guess I should go clean up the mess I made in the kitchen. Another batch of cookies made and ready for the freezer.
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
Happy Holidays!!
We had a very nice Thanksgiving last weekend. We spent the day with at my parents house with my kids, my brothers, and my nephews. We also got word that my neice and her family are returning to New Hampshire and should be here today sometime. I am very excited to see them, to meet Crystal's new husband, Kelly, and to see my grand neice Kendal who recently turned a year old! It's hard to believe she is already walking.
Last Saturday we had to make the 4.5 hour trip to Canada to go to a Memorial sevice for George's uncle Leonid. He had been a missionary in Peru for about 40 years and wanted to live out his life there. He has been buried in Peru and it was nice to have a service up there for him. George's family is so accomodating and they are all very nice. It was good to see them all again even under those circumstances.
I went out Christmas shopping a bit today and picked up a few things. I also am going to do a little online shopping this afternoon, so I should be in good shape. George and I will be able to finish up next week I think.
I guess I should go clean up the mess I made in the kitchen. Another batch of cookies made and ready for the freezer.
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
Happy Holidays!!
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