It's a crisp and chilly morning (49 degrees F last time I looked) but the sun is out and the birds and other assorted critters are chirping up a storm out there. I went out on the deck to have my coffee but a major case of chattering teeth and goosebumps got me back inside.
Yesterday was a really nice day here and Eric and I went up to North Conway to check out what Mother Nature was doing up there. I called him earlier in the day to see if I could stop by on my way back from the mountains to drop off a few things and he asked if I could just pick him up on my way up north and he would go along for the ride. We decided to make a sight seeing/shopping trip out of it since there is an Outlet Mall in North Conway. His girlfriend Jessie has a birthday coming up in a few weeks so it sounded like a good idea to have him with me to give me some ideas on what to get her.
I picked him up around noon and we had a very good time. I really enjoy the one on one time I have with each of my kids because that's when I really find out what's going on with them, what they are thinking about, what plans they are making, and all this is done without prying. We've always had an open and communicative relationship and they always feel comfortable discussing things with me. I think because I listen and I am supportive without being intrusive, they just open up. Eric is the quiet one, thoughtful, a bit pensive. He's not one for small talk but once you get him interested in something, he's full of ideas and opinions. We talked about everything from baseball and football to purchasing a home. (I may have a buyer when I am ready to sell my house.) It is so rewarding to see that my baby boy is thinking and talking like a grown up, which is a good thing since he is almost 25. :-)
I was a little disappointed that the foliage up there wasn't more advanced but we did stop in Tamworth at Chocorua Lake and I took a few photos. I might go up to Lake Winnipesaukee in another week or so. I am sure the colors will be much brighter by then.
We stopped at the Outlet Mall and it was pretty crowded but I found a place to park right off. I am not sure how many stores they have there but we walked around for about an hour and a half and I know we probably only saw half of them. I ended up blowing most of my money at the Yankee Candle shop but I got some really good deals. I picked up a birthday gift for Rose while I was there and since Jessie loves decorating for the holidays and other events I got her a really cute ceramic candle holder for Halloween. It had ghosts and scarecrows and pumpkins all around it and Eric thinks she will love it. It was only $15 so I also got her a seasonal candle to go with it. We then stopped at a bookstore and I found a book that I am sure Rose will enjoy so I was very lucky to be able to get all of that done. The only birthday gift left is Eric's and I have all month to pick that up.
Eric couldn't find anything he liked for Jessie but he enjoyed shopping for himself. (Another thing I didn't know about my son.) He really liked the Bass factory outlet and picked up a couple of fleece pullovers and 2 sweatshirts for work. Everything was 40% off and since he has a $200 clothing allowance at work, he will be reimbursed and still have money leftover to pick up some pants.
We stopped for dinner on the way home and Eric convinced me to try some calamari, which I swore I would never eat. It wasn't bad. I think what I ate were the rings or the suction cups as Eric called them, but I drew the line at eating the tentacles.
The rest of dinner was pretty good and we left there pretty full. I dropped him off at his apartment and then started for home myself.
Along the way I was thinking about dropping by Sara's place which is only 10 minutes away from where Eric lives. I was about to give her a call when my phone started ringing. It was a bit weird seeing my own phone number come up on the caller ID. I didn't know the dog could actually dial the phone. Sara was there visiting and was wondering where I was. I told her I was at her house wondering the same thing. LOL
I was about 45 minutes away but she agreed to stick around so I went on home. She stayed a couple of hours and we had a nice visit. It was pretty much a perfect day.
I've added a few pictures from yesterday's adventure including one at the lake where an old guy was actually going for his daily swim. Mind you it was only about 60 degrees when we were there but he says he goes in every day until the end of October and he finds it very invigorating. Yeah ok...well that's one word to describe it. LOL I personally think he's crazy. You can tell the leaves are just starting to change and it will be absolutely gorgeous in another week or two.
Sounds like a great day...and you had the time with both kids. Nice. :)
I loved going to Lake Winnipesaukee. We went on a fall foliage dinner cruise in October of 2003 and it was a beautiful afternoon/evening for it. I wouldn't mind going up there again sometime.
Great pics!!
Sounds like you and Eric had a really nice time together. I wish he could come and be a good influence on my almost 25 yr old cousin.
Calamari? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
I think I actually shivered as I read what you ate. Gross!!!!!
Beautiful pictures of the lake, bet it will be beautiful when the leaves are in full color!
That view has got to be absolutely GORGEOUS when the leaves hit their peak!
*wrinkles nose* deep fried rubberbands....*bleah*
LOL I always thought calamari would be gross too but after trying it I will just say it's not that bad. I would say it is close to eating fried clams...which I am not a big fan of either. I would never order it for myself. However, the accompanying banana peppers and tomato slaw was pretty tasty.
I've had calamari don't like it...... fried clams mmmmmmmmmm LOVE THEM!
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