I'm ready for some baseball. Needless to say I am soooo disappointed with the New England Patriots. What a huge letdown. The best team playing yesterday definitely won and congrats to the New York Giants for doing what very few people thought could be done. I didn't win any money on the Super Bowl pool but on the bright side, I guess I will be saving some money on Championship tee shirts and gear.
On that note...spring training is only a few weeks away so I say bring on the boys of summer!
We are expecting snow after midnight tonight and that means a messy drive to work in the morning. The word is a couple of inches down here in southern New Hampshire and several inches north of here, but everything will be turning to rain around the morning commute. Lovely.
Dinner time. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.
I ordered two Super Bowl XLII Champions Giants Locker Room caps from QVC while the final second was ticking off of the clock last night. I order one for Terri and one for Karen each year no matter who wins. We've done that for quite a few years now. I was happy to see the Giants win. (sorry) I was cheering for the Giants and Terri was cheering for the Patriots. It made for an interesting evening. LOL
Drive safely to work tomorrow. *hugs*
LMAO, I was wondering how long it would take you to start talking about the Sox!
You'll be getting more at the end of the week, I'm getting more snow Tuesday night into Wednesday!
Happy Winter!
I could talk about the Celtics...
The first Red Sox game (in spring training) is February 28th, mere days from now.
I know Iggy...I am psyched
And Manny said he will be there on time this year. I'll believe that when I see it. LOL
Arguments with Curt Schilling about his surgery? Hmmmm, that might throw a wrench into things.
Schilling is at the end of his career so I don't think they expected much from him this year anyway. I hope they keep Clay Bucholtz on the roster because young fresh arms are what they need. Maybe they can keep Schilling on as a pitching coach or something.
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