I challenge all of my blogger friends to complete their own list. It's fun to find out silly things you may have never known.
25 Random Things About Me
1. I will marry my best friend and soul mate on Super Bowl Sunday.
2. I am extremely proud of 'all' of my children.
3. Reality tv shows are my guilty pleasure.
4. I LOVE ice cream.
5. I work way too much.
6. I hate lima beans.
7. I have known my friend Heidi for 47 years.
8. I failed Science in high school.
9. I have a baby tooth in my mouth that never fell out.
10. I dated George 32 years ago.
11. I wear size 8 shoe.
12. I wanted to be a teacher when I was young.
13. I own more than 100 cd's.
14. I am a geek.
15. I love horror movies.
16. I believe you can never have too much shampoo and conditioner.
17. I have a 9 year old blind chihuahua.
18. My parents have been married for 56 years.
19. I love to do jigsaw puzzles.
20. Both of my brothers have birthdays in September.
21. I'm really quite shy.
22. I have never dyed my hair.
23. I am a home body.
24. I LOVE the Red Sox.
25. Diane Keaton is my favorite actress.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Another Folder, Another Pic
While I was going through my pic folders, I came across this one of George and his daughter Nicole on her wedding day, 4 years ago. I love this photo because you can see the closeness between them. He looks so proud, and also a little sad that his baby girl is all grown up. There's no denying that she is his daughter, check out their noses. ;-)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
I've Been Tagged
1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag four people to do the same.
Well I am not going to tag anyone since everyone seems to have done this already. But I did find my fourth pic in my fourth folder.

This is a photo of some of George's family in Canada. Last summer we went up to Quebec City for a family reunion and someone took pics of all of us at the tables before dinner. The party was a send off for George's Uncle Leonid, who was 93 years old and was returning to Peru to live out the remainder of his life. He's been a missionary for over 60 years all over South America. He wanted to make one last trip to Canada to say goodbye to his family since he is in failing health. Starting from the left and going around the table is Phillippe, Sophia, George's cousin Lise, George, me, George's sister in law Diane, George's brother Ray, Lise's son Pierre, Lise's daughter, who's name escapes me, and George's cousin Diane. There were family members from all over Canada and a few from the US, approximately 75 people showed up. It was a bittersweet weekend, for sure.
2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag four people to do the same.
Well I am not going to tag anyone since everyone seems to have done this already. But I did find my fourth pic in my fourth folder.
This is a photo of some of George's family in Canada. Last summer we went up to Quebec City for a family reunion and someone took pics of all of us at the tables before dinner. The party was a send off for George's Uncle Leonid, who was 93 years old and was returning to Peru to live out the remainder of his life. He's been a missionary for over 60 years all over South America. He wanted to make one last trip to Canada to say goodbye to his family since he is in failing health. Starting from the left and going around the table is Phillippe, Sophia, George's cousin Lise, George, me, George's sister in law Diane, George's brother Ray, Lise's son Pierre, Lise's daughter, who's name escapes me, and George's cousin Diane. There were family members from all over Canada and a few from the US, approximately 75 people showed up. It was a bittersweet weekend, for sure.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Blog Addiction?
47%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?
Kinda what I figured since I haven't been blogging all that much the last 6 months or so. I just am not as creative as others in regards to what I blog about and how I guess. For me it is just like keeping a journal, but unfrotunately my life is not that interesting. I do like keeping my friends up to date on what's been happening in my life.
So as you all know, I have been preparing for a wedding. We have a JP, I have a dress, George bought a nice black pin stripe suit last weekend, and we have food and a cake on order. We are going out a bit later to pick up my wedding band, which is probably the last most important thing we have to do. We only bought a wedding ring for me since it is George's wish to wear his father's wedding ring. I know how much that means to him and it really doesn't bother me that he's worn it during part of his previous marriage. The way I look at it, it is a family heirloom and not something that Donna bought for him so I am perfectly ok with him wearing it again. He is such an honorable guy, he didn't want to insult me by asking if I minded but I could see how happy he was when I asked him if he wanted to wear it again. He's been carrying it around with him on a chain for well over a year, and it needs a little polishing, but it's in great shape. This man gives me everything and anything I want and asks for very little in return so I am not about to deny him what makes him happy. He was very close to his father and he is very much like him. I know Edgar is looking down on us and smiling, mostly because George is finally marrying a girl with Canadian heritage. LMAO
I am also going shopping for a pair of shoes but if I don't find something better than what I already have, then that's ok, I won't be barefoot. I cannot walk in heels so I am looking for something that has a low heel. The pair I have are flats but I would like a little height if I can find something that I can walk in. Since the wedding will be at our home, I will probably slip back into my slippers after all the formal festivities anyway.
We had no idea when planning this day that it was Super Bowl Sunday. George's brother reminded us of that fact when we called him last week. The game doesn't start until sometime after 6pm and all of the formalities will be over by then so everyone can just hang out and watch the game afterwards if they want to. We had no idea we would be hosting a Super Bowl Party this year! Leave it to me...to plan a big event during another big event.
Everything is falling into place nicely. I am excited, but I think our daughters are more excited. They have been in touch with each other via MySpace, making plans and discussing how happy they both are. This makes me happy. Sara has always wanted a sister and she now has one with Nicole. It's nice to see our kids becoming family with one another. They have agreed to be our official photographers so I should have plenty of pictures to share with you. Nicole is a professional photographer and she said she will use her big Nikon to capture the happy moments.
That's about it for news on this end. It is a really nice day outside but the wind has picked up a bit and it is going to get quite chilly here later today. As long as the sun is shining and we aren't getting any snow, I am happy.
Oh a quick update on the kids and their accidents. Jessie is doing well. She seems to be all recovered now and bought a used car last weekend to get around in. She is back to work and school.
Jon isn't faring as well. He had to go to Boston to get several fragments of glass removed from his eyelid, and that surgery went well. he has since had the stitches removed and his eye looks much better. He will be out of work for about a month due to his broken leg. He's getting around ok with a walking cast but has a lot of pain in the leg so he stays off of it as much as possible. The older couple who hit him, has no insurance so Jon's insurance company is footing the bill for all of this. Jon was going to sue, but they are elderly and live on a fixed income. They also have several medical issues and will have an enormous bill from the week or so they both spent in the hospital after the accident. Jon is without wages for the duration but he's young and relatively healthy and feels it would be useless to persue a lawsuit. He's a good kid...always thinking of others. So I think he is just going to suck it up and deal with what's been handed to him. He and George are out right now looking for a truck for Jon. Hopefully they have some luck today.
I really should get the laundry in the dryer and get the bathroom cleaned. I've been putting it off for a few days but I really can't do that any longer. Have a great day!
Kinda what I figured since I haven't been blogging all that much the last 6 months or so. I just am not as creative as others in regards to what I blog about and how I guess. For me it is just like keeping a journal, but unfrotunately my life is not that interesting. I do like keeping my friends up to date on what's been happening in my life.
So as you all know, I have been preparing for a wedding. We have a JP, I have a dress, George bought a nice black pin stripe suit last weekend, and we have food and a cake on order. We are going out a bit later to pick up my wedding band, which is probably the last most important thing we have to do. We only bought a wedding ring for me since it is George's wish to wear his father's wedding ring. I know how much that means to him and it really doesn't bother me that he's worn it during part of his previous marriage. The way I look at it, it is a family heirloom and not something that Donna bought for him so I am perfectly ok with him wearing it again. He is such an honorable guy, he didn't want to insult me by asking if I minded but I could see how happy he was when I asked him if he wanted to wear it again. He's been carrying it around with him on a chain for well over a year, and it needs a little polishing, but it's in great shape. This man gives me everything and anything I want and asks for very little in return so I am not about to deny him what makes him happy. He was very close to his father and he is very much like him. I know Edgar is looking down on us and smiling, mostly because George is finally marrying a girl with Canadian heritage. LMAO
I am also going shopping for a pair of shoes but if I don't find something better than what I already have, then that's ok, I won't be barefoot. I cannot walk in heels so I am looking for something that has a low heel. The pair I have are flats but I would like a little height if I can find something that I can walk in. Since the wedding will be at our home, I will probably slip back into my slippers after all the formal festivities anyway.
We had no idea when planning this day that it was Super Bowl Sunday. George's brother reminded us of that fact when we called him last week. The game doesn't start until sometime after 6pm and all of the formalities will be over by then so everyone can just hang out and watch the game afterwards if they want to. We had no idea we would be hosting a Super Bowl Party this year! Leave it to me...to plan a big event during another big event.
Everything is falling into place nicely. I am excited, but I think our daughters are more excited. They have been in touch with each other via MySpace, making plans and discussing how happy they both are. This makes me happy. Sara has always wanted a sister and she now has one with Nicole. It's nice to see our kids becoming family with one another. They have agreed to be our official photographers so I should have plenty of pictures to share with you. Nicole is a professional photographer and she said she will use her big Nikon to capture the happy moments.
That's about it for news on this end. It is a really nice day outside but the wind has picked up a bit and it is going to get quite chilly here later today. As long as the sun is shining and we aren't getting any snow, I am happy.
Oh a quick update on the kids and their accidents. Jessie is doing well. She seems to be all recovered now and bought a used car last weekend to get around in. She is back to work and school.
Jon isn't faring as well. He had to go to Boston to get several fragments of glass removed from his eyelid, and that surgery went well. he has since had the stitches removed and his eye looks much better. He will be out of work for about a month due to his broken leg. He's getting around ok with a walking cast but has a lot of pain in the leg so he stays off of it as much as possible. The older couple who hit him, has no insurance so Jon's insurance company is footing the bill for all of this. Jon was going to sue, but they are elderly and live on a fixed income. They also have several medical issues and will have an enormous bill from the week or so they both spent in the hospital after the accident. Jon is without wages for the duration but he's young and relatively healthy and feels it would be useless to persue a lawsuit. He's a good kid...always thinking of others. So I think he is just going to suck it up and deal with what's been handed to him. He and George are out right now looking for a truck for Jon. Hopefully they have some luck today.
I really should get the laundry in the dryer and get the bathroom cleaned. I've been putting it off for a few days but I really can't do that any longer. Have a great day!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Fascinating News From Frosty New Hampshire
Good Morning all.
It is a frigid and I mean FRIGID morning here in New Hampshire. I just took a look at the thermometer outside and I believe it read -20 degrees. I do have to go out later this morning but thankfully I have the day off from work today so I can wait until it warms up a bit to maybe -10? Anyway, it's been cold all week but the last couple of days have been brutal. I am aware that it has been cold all over the US this week and we haven't been subjected to the worst of it, and for that I am grateful.
It's been a combination of sweet and sour in my world this week. A couple of good things, a couple of not so good things but it looks like everything will turn out alright in the end.
My son's girlfriend Jessie was involved in a car accident during one of the winter storms we had last week. She lost control on some ice and a truck ended up hitting the passenger side of her car. She suffered a concussion and some cuts and bruises but is recovering nicely. Her car...not so much. The insurance company totalled it and she is now on the search for a new car.
Last Saturday night, George's son Jon was also involved in a car accident. He was broadsided by a van that ran a stop sign, both were going approximately 50 MPH. Jon has a fractured leg, cuts and bruises. The worst of his injuries however, was a cut eyelid, which they had to stitch since it was cut pretty bad. He has since had to go to Boston to see a specialist because they saw on the CT Scan that there was still glass in his eyelid. Wednesday night he had emergency surgery to remove that and now he is on the mend. We saw him last night and he looks much better but he will be out of work for about a month. His truck is also totalled and he is now on the search for a new vehicle.
On a happier note, I got a huge raise at work the other day. I was due for my performance appraisal on December 16th but didn't get it until yesterday. That's ok...it was worth the wait and I will get what was owed to me in a retroactive check.
I guess I am doing a good job. :-)
George and I also secured a JP for our wedding, which will be on February 1st. We have decided to have it here at our house with just immediate family and a couple of close friends, around 25 people. Cozy and intimate, quiet and sweet, that's what I want. I am going shopping today for a dress. Wish me luck. I have decided to keep an open mind instead of looking for something specific. I think I'll have a much better chance that way.
I also have to go to WalMart and pick up a few things. My plan is to get my errands done quick so I can come back home and stay warm. I want to make something super delicious for supper tonight too so I've been combing the online recipe sites looking for a new recipe. I have narrowed it down to something with chicken. I am thinking maybe Chicken Marsala. I've never made it but it sounds and looks good.
I just heard the dryer buzzer go off so I have to pull the sheets out of the dryer and make up the bed. I hope you all are staying warm.
Mega hugs to you all.
It is a frigid and I mean FRIGID morning here in New Hampshire. I just took a look at the thermometer outside and I believe it read -20 degrees. I do have to go out later this morning but thankfully I have the day off from work today so I can wait until it warms up a bit to maybe -10? Anyway, it's been cold all week but the last couple of days have been brutal. I am aware that it has been cold all over the US this week and we haven't been subjected to the worst of it, and for that I am grateful.
It's been a combination of sweet and sour in my world this week. A couple of good things, a couple of not so good things but it looks like everything will turn out alright in the end.
My son's girlfriend Jessie was involved in a car accident during one of the winter storms we had last week. She lost control on some ice and a truck ended up hitting the passenger side of her car. She suffered a concussion and some cuts and bruises but is recovering nicely. Her car...not so much. The insurance company totalled it and she is now on the search for a new car.
Last Saturday night, George's son Jon was also involved in a car accident. He was broadsided by a van that ran a stop sign, both were going approximately 50 MPH. Jon has a fractured leg, cuts and bruises. The worst of his injuries however, was a cut eyelid, which they had to stitch since it was cut pretty bad. He has since had to go to Boston to see a specialist because they saw on the CT Scan that there was still glass in his eyelid. Wednesday night he had emergency surgery to remove that and now he is on the mend. We saw him last night and he looks much better but he will be out of work for about a month. His truck is also totalled and he is now on the search for a new vehicle.
On a happier note, I got a huge raise at work the other day. I was due for my performance appraisal on December 16th but didn't get it until yesterday. That's ok...it was worth the wait and I will get what was owed to me in a retroactive check.
I guess I am doing a good job. :-)
George and I also secured a JP for our wedding, which will be on February 1st. We have decided to have it here at our house with just immediate family and a couple of close friends, around 25 people. Cozy and intimate, quiet and sweet, that's what I want. I am going shopping today for a dress. Wish me luck. I have decided to keep an open mind instead of looking for something specific. I think I'll have a much better chance that way.
I also have to go to WalMart and pick up a few things. My plan is to get my errands done quick so I can come back home and stay warm. I want to make something super delicious for supper tonight too so I've been combing the online recipe sites looking for a new recipe. I have narrowed it down to something with chicken. I am thinking maybe Chicken Marsala. I've never made it but it sounds and looks good.
I just heard the dryer buzzer go off so I have to pull the sheets out of the dryer and make up the bed. I hope you all are staying warm.
Mega hugs to you all.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Life Is A Big Puzzle
Last year was a year of personal change and adjustment for me and my pooch. I am happy to say we have both adjusted and embraced the changes and can hardly wait to see what this year will bring.
George and I applied for our marriage license on Monday so there is no turning back now. We have 85 days now to seal the deal, and the days are ticking by. I suspect we will tie the knot as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made, and if it is up my beloved, we will be married before we head out on our cruise on Valentine's Day.
Speaking of a cruise, that is one of the things I have never done but always wanted to do. I am really excited about being somewhere warm in the middle of February. The winter in New Hampshire has been rough so far and we are only a month into it. It will be wonderful to bask in the sunshine in a far off place while everyone else up here is freezing and shoveling snow. Carnival...take me away!
So I've been out shopping for clothes for the cruise. The spring lines are out and I found a few nice tops and a couple pairs of shorts. I also have to find a dress for Jon and Nikki's wedding in April. I am hoping that I can find something in blue because no one has chosen that color to wear. The mother of the groom is wearing yellow and the mother of the bride is wearing lilac. The bridal party will be in various shades of pink so blue would be good and I look good in blue. That is my quest.
I am also looking for a nice understated kind of dress I can wear to be married in. I don't want to wear white...been there done that already. I don't think black is appropriate although black is very slimming. George and I both had big weddings the first time around so we don't need that headache. What we want is a small gathering. Our kids, my parents, brothers and George's brother, sister in law and 2 nephews, a JP to officiate and some music and food. Then we need a cake and some champagne, maybe a flower or two. That's it...that's all I want. I think we can pull it off, but can we pull it off without it all blowing up into more than we want? Time will tell.
It's my feeling that your wedding should be YOUR wedding, and it should be up to the parties getting hitched to have things their way. I know from personal experience that that is not always the way things go. My first wedding was paid for mostly by my parents so the decisions were not always mine. Don't get me wrong, I was truly grateful for the lovely day/night my ex husband and I had. I had a beautiful wedding with 130 people in attendance. But several of those people I didn't even know because they were people my parents felt they had to invite. I'd never seen some of these people before nor have I seen them since.
I want our day to be ours with just immediate family there. Hopefully our friends will understand. George and I have discussed throwing a party/reception after we get back from our cruise. That seems to be the most frequent question/comment anyway so I think it's a good idea. We want those friends who are closest to us to be able to celebrate our happiness with us in some way.
Anyway...the new year is starting off with a lot to do but I am happy to say I am thrilled with the tasks at hand. I am the first to admit I said many many times I would never get married again. I was convinced that it was going to be me and my pup and that was it. It took a very special and persuasive man to warm my heart and change my mind but I wouldn't have it any other way. We're a good match, doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that. I'm very very lucky.
One bit of drama from the sticks over the last couple of weeks. George's son Patrick and his girlfriend Kiley have ended their 4 year relationship. Not Kiley's idea and she is hurt and depressed over the whole thing and I do feel for her. But she is only 20 and has her whole life ahead of her. I am sure she will eventually find some strength and move on. Not a good start to the new year for her, I am afraid.
On that note, I suppose I should get busy and start taking the ornaments off the Christmas tree. I know, I know, it's January 9th. But we put the tree up just before Christmas and it looked so pretty there in the window. It is time though and tonight is the night. It's cold and windy outside so it's a good indoor activity.
Afterwards, perhaps I will go back to working on the jigsaw puzzle I started last weekend. We got a few for Christmas and I have found that George likes working on them too. A good pastime on a cold winter night.
Warm hugs to all my blogger friends.
George and I applied for our marriage license on Monday so there is no turning back now. We have 85 days now to seal the deal, and the days are ticking by. I suspect we will tie the knot as soon as the necessary arrangements can be made, and if it is up my beloved, we will be married before we head out on our cruise on Valentine's Day.
Speaking of a cruise, that is one of the things I have never done but always wanted to do. I am really excited about being somewhere warm in the middle of February. The winter in New Hampshire has been rough so far and we are only a month into it. It will be wonderful to bask in the sunshine in a far off place while everyone else up here is freezing and shoveling snow. Carnival...take me away!
So I've been out shopping for clothes for the cruise. The spring lines are out and I found a few nice tops and a couple pairs of shorts. I also have to find a dress for Jon and Nikki's wedding in April. I am hoping that I can find something in blue because no one has chosen that color to wear. The mother of the groom is wearing yellow and the mother of the bride is wearing lilac. The bridal party will be in various shades of pink so blue would be good and I look good in blue. That is my quest.
I am also looking for a nice understated kind of dress I can wear to be married in. I don't want to wear white...been there done that already. I don't think black is appropriate although black is very slimming. George and I both had big weddings the first time around so we don't need that headache. What we want is a small gathering. Our kids, my parents, brothers and George's brother, sister in law and 2 nephews, a JP to officiate and some music and food. Then we need a cake and some champagne, maybe a flower or two. That's it...that's all I want. I think we can pull it off, but can we pull it off without it all blowing up into more than we want? Time will tell.
It's my feeling that your wedding should be YOUR wedding, and it should be up to the parties getting hitched to have things their way. I know from personal experience that that is not always the way things go. My first wedding was paid for mostly by my parents so the decisions were not always mine. Don't get me wrong, I was truly grateful for the lovely day/night my ex husband and I had. I had a beautiful wedding with 130 people in attendance. But several of those people I didn't even know because they were people my parents felt they had to invite. I'd never seen some of these people before nor have I seen them since.
I want our day to be ours with just immediate family there. Hopefully our friends will understand. George and I have discussed throwing a party/reception after we get back from our cruise. That seems to be the most frequent question/comment anyway so I think it's a good idea. We want those friends who are closest to us to be able to celebrate our happiness with us in some way.
Anyway...the new year is starting off with a lot to do but I am happy to say I am thrilled with the tasks at hand. I am the first to admit I said many many times I would never get married again. I was convinced that it was going to be me and my pup and that was it. It took a very special and persuasive man to warm my heart and change my mind but I wouldn't have it any other way. We're a good match, doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that. I'm very very lucky.
One bit of drama from the sticks over the last couple of weeks. George's son Patrick and his girlfriend Kiley have ended their 4 year relationship. Not Kiley's idea and she is hurt and depressed over the whole thing and I do feel for her. But she is only 20 and has her whole life ahead of her. I am sure she will eventually find some strength and move on. Not a good start to the new year for her, I am afraid.
On that note, I suppose I should get busy and start taking the ornaments off the Christmas tree. I know, I know, it's January 9th. But we put the tree up just before Christmas and it looked so pretty there in the window. It is time though and tonight is the night. It's cold and windy outside so it's a good indoor activity.
Afterwards, perhaps I will go back to working on the jigsaw puzzle I started last weekend. We got a few for Christmas and I have found that George likes working on them too. A good pastime on a cold winter night.
Warm hugs to all my blogger friends.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
More Pics
I forgot to add to my last post that Huntababes was not forgotten by Santa Claus. He got a nice comfy bed to sleep on for Christmas and believe me, he LOVES it!
Look what Santa brought

Checking it out

Hunter isn't the only one who thinks it's comfy


I took Hunter to his new Vet on Monday and he is in perfect health. The Vet is nice although I miss Dr. Lesley a LOT. But it is just too far to drive every time I need to take Hunter in. Dr. Lesley was nice enough to forward all of Hunter's records to me so at least Dr. Ware has everything he needs regarding Hunter's medical history.
Hunter seems to like it there so I guess we will stick with Dr. Ware. The office staff fawns over him plenty so he feels right at home.
It will be back to work on Monday. These last two weeks flew by. Hard to believe. But it was a nice vacation, even if we didn't do a whole lot.
I guess I should jump in the shower.
Have a great day everyone!
Look what Santa brought
Checking it out
Hunter isn't the only one who thinks it's comfy
I took Hunter to his new Vet on Monday and he is in perfect health. The Vet is nice although I miss Dr. Lesley a LOT. But it is just too far to drive every time I need to take Hunter in. Dr. Lesley was nice enough to forward all of Hunter's records to me so at least Dr. Ware has everything he needs regarding Hunter's medical history.
Hunter seems to like it there so I guess we will stick with Dr. Ware. The office staff fawns over him plenty so he feels right at home.
It will be back to work on Monday. These last two weeks flew by. Hard to believe. But it was a nice vacation, even if we didn't do a whole lot.
I guess I should jump in the shower.
Have a great day everyone!
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