Look what Santa brought
Checking it out
Hunter isn't the only one who thinks it's comfy
I took Hunter to his new Vet on Monday and he is in perfect health. The Vet is nice although I miss Dr. Lesley a LOT. But it is just too far to drive every time I need to take Hunter in. Dr. Lesley was nice enough to forward all of Hunter's records to me so at least Dr. Ware has everything he needs regarding Hunter's medical history.
Hunter seems to like it there so I guess we will stick with Dr. Ware. The office staff fawns over him plenty so he feels right at home.
It will be back to work on Monday. These last two weeks flew by. Hard to believe. But it was a nice vacation, even if we didn't do a whole lot.
I guess I should jump in the shower.
Have a great day everyone!
That is one contented looking, pampered pup. It is amazing how those little dogs get attached to their beds. Good news that Huntababes likes his new vet. If he's anything like Whiskey, some people he likes and some he doesn't care for much.
Hope you have a wonderful 2009, Lainie.
I'm so glad Hunter liked his new bed! He's not spoiled at all, is he, lol.
Cute pics. Happy New Year, Lainie and George and Hunter.
Awwww - happiness is a happy doggy.
He's such a cutey-pie!!
Yeah they get attached to their bed and everyone else's as well! He's a little cutie. That's one poochie I wouldnt mind spoiling one bit.
Punkn-Hunter seems to like everyone with one exception. He does not like my father, or my father's voice, for whatever reason. Every time my Dad opened his mouth on Christmas Day, Hunter would react by growling and barking in the direction of his voice. My Dad seems to be the only person to get that kind of reaction from him. Otherwise, Hunter is the most friendly and loveable pup.
awwww Hunter! *cuddles and pets the spoiled rotten baby* hehehe
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