We had a great time on our honeymoon. The cruise was wonderful, everything I expected it to be. Plenty of fun, food, warm sunshine and interesting people. We did a lot of nothing, sitting in the sun on deck by the pool, going to the casino and comedy club in the evenings, hitting the karaoke bar and enjoying the view from our balcony. We did go on shore to Jamaica when we ported there. Interesting, to say the least. Jamaica is a very poor, deprived country. I was surprised at the huge contrast. The beaches were pristine, beautiful white sand and turquoise water but you go one block away from the resorts and the beaches, the area is very filthy and kind of scary. We were approached by no less than 6 drug dealers and George was approached by 3 hookers just while we walked to the gift shops. We walked around a bit but decided it was maybe better to just get our souveniers and get back on board ship.
Grand Cayman was much nicer, very pretty area and there was a lot to do there. We only had a few hours to spend there so I didn't get to see as much as I would have liked. Maybe another time.
Everything went smoothly throughout the entire week. The weather was perfect, mid to upper 70's most days and there was only one day when the seas were a bit choppy. Other than that, you could hardly feel the movement of the ship at all. I was happy I didn't have to use any of the seasick meds I brought. I did get a little bit of sun, which I wanted and needed. I was careful to not get too crispy. :-)
Our flights home were good but we knew we were coming home to some bad weather. When we landed in Boston, it was raining but that soon turned to snow when we hit the Mass/NH border. So for the next 60 miles, we crept along the highway all the way home. It took us twice as long to get home as it would have normally and we ended up getting about a foot of snow out of that storm. How's that for a welcome home?
Hunter made it through the week as well, although he had a much more stressful week. We left him with George's daughter Nicole on Thursday night. We thought that would be best since she has a dog and someone is home most of the time because she and her husband work split shifts so they don't have to pay for day care for the two kids. I knew if we left him here, Pat wouldn't pay a whole lot of attention to him and I didn't want him to go stir crazy being home alone a lot. The first night went well but on Friday, it was apparent that Hunter and Nicole's dog Pepe were not going to be able to get along. They are both jealous, both males and both not used to sharing. When Hunter bit Pepe, it was time to take action. So Nicole brought Hunter back to our house and decided she would just come here every day and spend some time with him, make sure he is fed and taken care of. When I heard that, I knew that was going to be a lot of work for her especially since she works full time and has the kids to look after too. So I made a call to Sara, and she came up here to get Hunter. She brought him down to her house on Saturday and it turned out being a good solution. She certainly enjoyed having her puppy with her for a few days and he was much calmer.
Sara doesn't live too far from the airport in Boston so we went to pick Hunter up before we headed home. It was a happy reunion especially between George and Hunter. They have both become quite attached to each other.
I am going to post a few pics from the cruise. I have about 200 shots altogether but a lot of them are just different angles of the same thing and I won't bore you with that. LOL
Our Stateroom
Miami Skyline
On The Ship
Miami Sunset
Pirate Ship in Grand Cayman
Grand Cayman
Sunrise in Jamaica
With Our Waiter Gerald
They Were Celebrating Their 35th Anniversary
The Waitstaff Saying Goodbye
I've got tons more and I will post more at another time. I thoroughly enjoyed the entire cruise and we are planning to go again perhaps next year.
Thanks for sharing the pictures! It sounds like you had a fabulous time! Too bad Hunter didn't get along with Pepe, but at least Sara came and took Hunter so he got some time with her too.
What a wonderful honeymoon! The pics were lovely! Poor Hunter..but at least he was happy with Sara. Welcome home to the cold winter. (psst it was 92 here yesterday...unseasonably warm..more like July)
Great pics, Lainie. Looks like you both had a wonderful time. Can't wait to see more pics sometime.
Looking forward to seeing more of your adventure!
I am trying very hard not to think about the 200 pictures that are just different angles of the same thing...
I mean, a nice nightie? or perhaps they are of George climbing in and out of the pool... I suppose we will never know - and I am sure its best we never know.
:) Hugs - I'm glad you had such a great trip!! I wonder if the Cruise line will let you bring Hunter along next time - he needs his Guide Person doesn't he?
Geez Iggy, the garter wasn't enough now you want pics of me in my honeymoon nightie? What if I didn't wear one? It was pretty tropical afterall. And I was wrong, there were a total of 137 pics taken and the two pics I took are not fit to print. ;-)
It sounds like a perfect Honeymoon. Thanks for the wonderful pictures.
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