Last weekend we drove up to Maine to see all the Mainiacs. We missed a few, due to short notice Tweetie wasn't able to make it and we never got in touch with Cricket to let her know I was going to be there. Cricket was in Maine for a few weeks but I suspect she had a lot of family to catch up with so maybe we can see her next time she is back from British Columbia. George fit in quite well and we enjoyed our visit there. We partied at Rick and Blossom's house with Mazz and his wife, April, and their son Andy, Rick's son David was there with his girlfriend and PupPup and her husband Gene were there also with their daughter Nikki.
We arrived just in time for supper. Rick is a fantastic cook and he had quite the spread laid out. Roast pork, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, salad, rolls, I think there were a few other dishes too but I didn't have enough room on my plate. I brought brownies for dessert, of course. I had to because I am not allowed into Maine without them. After supper we went outside to sit around the fire but the rain came pouring down so we moved the party into the basement. It was a fun evening of conversation and karaoke. We left around 11:00 and headed to the Motel where we spent the night. Apparently the remainder of the crew partied long into the night.
We hit the road Sunday afternoon and made the 5+ hour trek back home. Thankfully the weather was better going home than it was going to...and it was an enjoyable drive through the mountains.
Mazz, Andy and Rick
I had several more pics to post but blogger is experiencing some technical difficulties so I will try again at another time.
Yesterday we spent the day at George's son's condo. George and Jon were busy putting in a hardwood floor and Nikki and I entertained ourselves watching the food network and looking at pictures from their wedding. The floor is looking pretty good but they didn't get it finished so George is back there today helping out. I decided to stay at home and do the necessary chores before we go back to work, laundry and grocery shopping. Alreday done the shopping, now I just have to fold another load of laundry and I will be done. I am watching a movie at the moment, Dr. T and the Women. Richard Gere, Helen Hunt, Kate Hudson, and Farrah Fawcett. It's pretty good...but I don't think I could go to Richard Gere if he was my OB/GYN. He's too hot. LOL
I guess I am going to make some chicken for dinner. I am marinating it in Italian Dressing at the moment and I think I will make a baked potato for George and make a salad for myself. It should be quite good. :-)
Well tried to post some more pics again but it's not gonna happen now. I will save them for another post I guess. Hope everyone is having a beautiful Sunday...the weather sure is nice here for a change. Looks like a good afternoon to grab my book and go sit outside for awhile.
*almost fainted*
Sounds like a busy vacation. I always heard Rick was a good cook. I'm glad you and George had the chance to go visit with everyone up there.
I was going to post a few pictures to my blog later today so I hope it cooperates for me then. Will look forward to your pics whenever Blogger stops being a PITA.
Sounds like a great time!
I ~think~ that pukey green was called avocado(?)... it reminds me of a diaper after a baby's been fed strained peas... then again, I aint overly fond of green anyhow.
I fainted but I'm okay now.
I think pukish olive green as a desciptive color works just perfectly. Maybe Home Depot even stocks it?
And how cool is that! You got to visit with the mainiacs! I hope you post the other pictures soon. :)
I look forward to seeing more Maniac pictures. Their chat meets are legendary.
How I remember that puky green! Everything else from the 70's is coming back, so you might want to leave it. It might seal the deal for you when selling the house ;)
Sounds like you had a really good vacation.
Hey, I loved that avocado green. :)
hey Lainie, if you had only called me, we could have met up for coffee,, lol .I thought of that when i read about your ride up northern maine. glad you had a good time.. take care.. JR
Has Mazz gained weight? :-)
Looks like you had a great time as usual..Some day I'll get to meet all those great ppl up there.
Sounds like you had a really great time. :)
The bathroom in my parents' place was all green when they got it too. A few years back they finally managed to redecorate though, and now it's all white.
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