The past week at work was very very long and tedious. I had to catch up on some work so I stayed overtime Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I normally don't mind working 10-11 hour days but for some reason the whole week just dragged along so by 3pm yesterday I was more than ready to hit the road. I clocked out and ran a couple of errands before coming home (so I didn't have to go out today and do them). I got home a little before George so I started dinner and put my comfys on, ready to get the weekend started. I planned on staying up a bit but that didn't happen. I was asleep by 9 and got up this morning around 6:30. Not really sleeping in for some but for me, that was 3 additional hours of sleep. I have managed to get a couple of loads of laundry done and I just ate the most wonderful French Toast Bagel. The whole house smells like maple syrup since I toasted it in the toaster oven. Yummm really delicious.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. We have to take Hunter in to the vet's for his yearly physical and then we are going to stop by Eric and Jessie's house to visit and to pick up the baby gate they have been borrowing for their puppy, Cooper. Sara will be needing both gates when she dog sits Hunter for us in a couple of weeks. We are heading out on a 7 day cruise to Cozumel, Belize, Grand Cayman and Houndurous. I can't wait for some warm weather! It will bw a good time...and I will be sure to post pics when we get back. Anyway, after visiting with Eric and Jessie, we have to stop by my parents house for a quick visit, then come on back home. I wanted to go furniture shopping while we are in Manchester but with the dog in tow...that won't go over very well so perhaps we can go on Sunday. I really want a new sofa/loveseat. The couch we have is so old and very uncomfortable. I hate sitting on it and really dislike looking at it too. I actually want to redecorate the entire living room and once we have new furniture in here I can pick a color to paint the walls. I have been compiling a honey do list for a few weeks now. This summer when George has a week off...he won't be bored.
I still haven't taken any pics of the new car. I haven't even ridden in it yet either. I know...what's wrong with me?? LOL I don't want to put unnecessary miles on it so I haven't driven it to work and once George gets home, I don't have a need to go out. I don't want to take it tomorrow because the dog has white fur and the interior has black cloth seats so we will be using my car. Maybe Sunday?? We'll see. One of these days I'll get a photo.
I do have engagement pics of Eric and Jessie to post. I really love them...don't they make a nice looking couple?? August will be here before we know it. Can't wait for the wedding!

I guess I have been goofing off for long enough. I think I am going to be creative in the kitchen. I have a couple of new recipes to is a molten chocolate cake and the other is a bittersweet chocolate sandwich cookie with raspberry creme filling. Not sure which one I will make but if they get 2 thumbs up I will post the recipes.
Have a great day and a wonderful weekend!
Girl I know what you mean about the day going by too fast, beautiful engagement pics, and I can't wait to see those cruise pics I sure hope you two have a blast, I know you will, I have never been on a cruise and not sure if I will, I'm kind of a scardy cat about going out on that boat LOL I'm so glad you are feeling better..HUGS
PS, those recipes sound absolutely delightful LOL..make them both..hehe
Those pictures are beautiful. They are such a happy looking couple. August will definitely be here before you know it.
I'm glad you are feeling better and enjoyed your day off. It sounded like the kind of day I would like.
I wish we were going on that cruise. We went to the Southern Caribbean last February (14 days!) and I'm having withdrawals.
How about sharing those recipes if they turn out good......
I'm glad you're feeling 100% better. I hope you have a wonderful time on the cruise. (of course we want to see pics when you get a chance to post them)
Very nice pics of Eric and Jessie. Best wishes to the both of them.
I'm so glad you're feeling better!
Please let us know how those recipes turned out, the bittersweet chocolate sandwich cookie with raspberry filling sounds so yummy!
I'm sure you'll enjoy your cruise, and those seven days will go by very quickly. It will be a nice break from the winter weather you have, though.
Glad you are feeling better!
Those young un's are really good lookin'!! Must be that it runs in your family..
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