We left Miami on Sunday afternoon and headed for Nassau, Bahamas. The weather was a bit overcast but warm, and the seas were a bit choppy. We settled into our cabin, unpacked and got ready for dinner. I really wish I had taken pictures of all of our meals because every meal was delicious. The first night on board was for exploring and we roamed all around the ship all evening getting to know where everything was. We stopped at several watering holes and sampled drinks, listened to the band or woman playing piano in the piano bar. We ended our night at the comedy club, watched a show then headed back to our cabins for some much needed sleep.
Monday morning we woke up in Nassau and had breakfast on the deck watching the city come to life. We got off the ship a few hours later and walked around Nassau, did a little shopping and had lunch at Senior Frogs, a local bar and grille.
We met up with Ray and Diane later in the afternoon and went down to the pool area to 'chillax' as our cruise director was always saying.
Tuesday we spent the whole day at sea. There is so much on board to keep us amused. From the pool area, to the different games and activities on board, we had plenty to keep us occupied. We spent some time up in the pool area but it gets really crowded there on days at sea so we went back to our room and ended up sunning ourselves on the balcony. I got some reading done while working on my tan. Naps were also good most afternoons so we could stay up later in the evenings.
Wednesday we went to St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. This turned out to be one of the most fun days we had. We booked a tour on a party barge for the afternoon and oh my did we ever have fun. It was a small group on board but we were all up for a good time. Our tour guide, George, was a lot of fun and had a lot of information to share about the Islands. I loved listening to the Calypso Band and even won a prize playing Name That Tune. I had a choice of something from the gift shop or a free drink. I chose a tee shirt, then bought myself a drink. LOL
We stopped at a beach and were able to go swimming or just lounge for an hour. The ride back was a blast. The crew started a Conga Line and were dancing and singing all the way back. There was also a Limbo contest which I did not participate in but it sure was fun to watch. I really didn't want to leave, it was so much fun. I was also quite inebriated after drinking several "Painkillers" on board.
We went shopping before going back on board the cruise ship, and I got some cool shot glasses and some little gifts for George's grandkids. We got back on board, I grabbed a shower and we headed for another fantastic dinner. It was our 3rd weddinganniversary that night and the waitstaff sang to us after dinner and brought us a small cake for dessert. Lots of fun! I'm not sure if that was the night we went to the comedy club to see a different comedian but I think it was.
Thursday we were in San Juan. We really didn't have a lot of time on shore that day but we did take a tour of old San Juan and walked around for a couple of hours. I wish now that we had taken a cab ride through the city but that will be for another time I guess.
Friday we were in Grand Turk. What a beautiful place to visit. We walked around for awhile, stopped at Jimmy Buffet's Margaritaville for some local fare, then hung out at the beach for awhile. We then took a walk around the Island and saw where John Glenn splashed down on one of his missions some 50 years ago. George is a big history buff so he found this rather interesting. The botanical gardens were also very pretty. I would love to spend a little more time there sometime in the future.
Saturday was another day at sea and then we were back in Miami on Sunday, The week went by wayyy too fast, that's for sure. Can't wait to do it all again.
I know we've been home for two weeks but I haven't had much time to sort through over 300 pictures and get them posted. But today I set aside the entire morning to do so...I hope you all enjoy! I hope the ones I chose give you some sort of idea of how much fun we had!
She's a bad influence
Ray and Diane
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We had only been on board a couple hours...waiting to leave Port.
We were on this ship 2 years ago, Carnival Valor leaving Port
Miami from our balcony
Leaving Miami
The Bahamas from our balcony Good Morning!
Sunrise in the Bahamas
Ivan the best Bar Steward on the ship
Our Maitre D
Our Waiter who looks like PeeWee Herman
Ray, Diane, George and Me at Dinner
Calypso Band on the Kon Tiki
Calypso Band relaxing on the Kon Tiki
Pirate Ship
Aboard the Kon Tiki Party Barge
Rainbow over St. Thomas
St. Thomas from the Kon Tiki
Conga Line
Limbo Contest
Sunset in the Virgin Islands
Our servers wishing us a Happy Anniversary
Old San Juan
Shopping in Old San Juan
Leaving San Juan
Sunrise on the ocean
Weather Station at Margaritaville
On the beach at Grand Turk
Botanical Garden on Grand Turk
Heading back to the ship (ours is on the right) the boat on the left was the Princess Ruby, one of the two Princess ships where a lot of people were sick.
Leaving Grand Turk
Grand Turk Island
Wow, beautiful shots. Loved the rainbow shot the best. Sounds like you had a great cruise and a wonderful vacation. Thanks for sharing your trip and your photos. :)
Sounds wonderful! I'm glad you enjoyed! :)
Looks like a beautiful trip! I'm so glad you weren't on one of the ships where so many got sick. Love your "earrings" lol.
Our friend was scheduled to sail on one of the 'sick' ships and his cruise was delayed a week so they could clean the ship. Not sure if they offered a discount or anything for the inconvenience but I think I would have cancelled at that point and made other arrangements.
Happy Anniversary to you and George!
Looks like you had a blast! I hope PeeWee got a big tip!
Awesome, really beautiful
WoW! Such a beautiful trip indeed.=D
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