Saturday, George and I had a pretty busy day planned. We went out for breakfast at our usual Saturday morning spot and then ran a few errands, bank, grocery store, pharmacy. Once we got home and got the groceries put away, we headed back out to visit my parents. We had some gifts from Jamaica for them and of course wanted to share our vacation photos with them. We had a nice visit and I was happy to see my niece there with her 3 month old daughter. I held and played with Kendall. She has such a goofy grin and is a happy and very squirmy baby. She really doesn't sit still for long and I think she is going to be all over the place as soon as she figures out how. Crystal informed us that she and her boyfriend are getting married in July when he gets home from Iraq. Happy news for sure.
After a couple of hours, we headed over to my house to check on everything there and to pick up a few more things. My Dad has been busy hauling things off to the dump and organizing the rest of what is left so we can have a yard/garage sale as soon as the snow melts. I found my file cabinet and we loaded it into my car, then headed over to visit Eric and Jessie.
This was the first time I was to visit them in their new residence and I was pretty excited. They live in an old part of town and there is a lot of history there.
Jessie's parents house is a very old home built in the 1700's. They have renovated a few of the rooms recently and the kitchen is absolutely gorgeous. Jessie designed it for them and I can see she has a knack for interior design, which is her major in college. The dining room is in process now and I can see great potential there.
We sat down after a tour of the house and that's when I spotted a huge rock on Jessie's hand. I asked about it and they both started beaming. They got engaged while we were on our trip! I couldn't be happier for them. They have come a long way and continue to move forward making a decent life for themselves. The wedding is in the planning stages but they have a date set, August 28th of 2010. Jessie has asked Sara to be her Maid of Honor and Eric is still deciding who he wants to stand up for him. I know her parents are happy and I am thrilled.
We had a delicious dinner and sat around the table after talking about our trip and their plans, along with a lot of other things. Eric is one who normally keeps a lot of things to himself but it was nice to see him animated and excited about their future together.
We left around 9PM and made the 90 minute ride home. By the time we got here, I was pretty much ready for my bed. I know I slept like a baby and didn't wake up until after 7 AM.
Yesterday, we didn't do a whole lot. George went off in the morning to deliver a sofa and loveseat to a co worker and I took care of a few chores then sat down and read. We spent part of the afternoon working on a jigsaw puzzle. It was a nice relaxing afternoon.
Today, the Northeast is in the middle of another winter storm. I took the day off today not because of the weather, but because I am not feeling well. I have been trying to get rid of a cold that has settled in my chest and I just wanted another day to rest and be aggressive with my meds. They make me sleepy so I really don't want to take them if I am at work. I have over 90 hours of sick time accumulated so I think I can afford one day.
I would say we have about 10 inches of snow on the ground right now. It started shortly after midnight I think and will continue throughout the day. I really have my doubts that spring is ever going to get here. The snow is really pretty to look at though. I do hope that LadyStyx finally got some of the snow she has been asking for all winter.
Have a great day. I am going to stretch out on the sofa and get back to my book.
Wonderful family news for sure. You are blessed.
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I know the feeling...this is going on my 4th week of the crap I've been dealing with. Hope you feel better soon.
We had sunshine yesterday but the sky is overcast this morning. We aren't supposed to get much from this storm passing to our east tho. Sorry to hear you're gonna get dumped on again. Spring has to hit sooner or later. Hang in there. *hugs*
Congrats to the kids! Take care of yourself You don't wanna be fun coughing all over George!
Snow ugh! I'm glad we don't get much of that. But our weather has been unseasonably warm! More like June than March! (Highs this week in the 80's)
Congrats to the happy couples! :)
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Hope you're feeling better soon. *hugs*
:) You have such wonderful news (except for the part where you don't feel so well) Nothing like a giggling little baby to chase away the glums.
Get well soonest Lainie...
Awesome news on the kids. Sorry you're so ill though. I hope things get better soon.
And YES...we got about 3" worth of accumulation yesterday. Actually had to shovel TWICE. Thankfully, I got the laundry done before the worst of the storm hit.
More good news!
I hope you get to feeling better and you don't get dumped on anymore. Enough is nuff!
Congratulations to Eric and Jessie! I know you are proud of both of them.
Hope you are feeling better!
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